
Monday, January 9, 2017

Did you miss me??

Hello beautiful world full of internet people!  Long time no see.  I understand that it's been well over a year, nearly two, in fact, since you've seen a post from me. (Shout out to my lone reader, Ms. Attitude!) When I last posted, I was trying to keep myself busy while looking for a job.  I was growing a garden and (obviously) working on starting up a blog.  Let me catch you up.

I found that job I was looking for in March of 2015. My training took 3 months and I spent that time traveling for said training and being away from home.  Once I settled and took over my office, I worked 55-65 hours per week and became incredibly stressed due to both the number of hours worked and the negative attitudes of, well, people in general.  All of the sudden, 2016 was halfway over!  What happened to 2015 and, for that matter, the first half of 2016?? Luckily, I did take away a few things from the experience: 1. some new friends 2. the knowledge that  I DO NOT want to be in management and 3. a new job, which I love!  I took this new job in July 2016 and I have been so happy.  I get to see my friends and family again!!

I'm sorry to say that all of my plants died during the chaos of my schedule.  The poor things were probably doomed from the start as I lack any shade of green in my thumb(s), but this was still disappointing as 2015 was supposed to be the year I finally got something to grow.

I'm sure you realize that the blog was put on the back-burner as well during this time, so I won't bother to update you on that bit. :) The good news is, things have settled down considerably since my job change and now I'm feeling the motivation to get my blog back on. It's a new year and a fresh start and I'm going to make it a good one!

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