
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Let's Talk Goals

I know we're already 10 days in, but it's 2017!  Time for a fresh start, a new year.  Time to set some goals, grow a little, and accomplish something.  Now, goals should mean something to the person setting them and they should be attainable.  It does no good to set a goal too high and then become discouraged when success isn't achieved.  That being said, I am what you would call "a little bit of an over-achiever" and I am highly motivated to GET MY SHIT TOGETHER.  This is the year!  So, I am sharing a list of my 2017 goals (as they currently stand) and I will try to keep you posted on the progress of these goals.
  1. Maintain blog and make regular (hopefully entertaining) posts.  This specific goal is to beat my 2015 record of 4 posts. 😂😂😂    
  2. Read 50 books.  You can watch my progress on Goodreads.
  3. Watch 100 movies.  (This was actually a goal set by Mr. P and UJ.  I overheard them and decided I'd take part as well.  What a great excuse to watch all of the movies I've missed over the years!) 
  4. Pay off 2 credit cards.  This one is going to involve a major budget overhaul, as that is approximately $5,000 of debt and my job change included a pretty big cut in pay, but I believe it can be done.
  5. Take a family vacation.  We've only taken 1 and that was about 4 years ago...
  6. Go to the gym at least twice per week.  This goal is inspired by Little A, who has become quite the drill sergeant. 
    • Specifically, I'd like to go from a size 10 to a size 6, but the change in behavior is really what's important.
  7. Finish the afghan I started for Little A last summer...
  8. Start gardening (just one or two plants and we'll see how it goes😉.)
  9. Go through all of our clothes and weed out the things we don't need/wear anymore.
  10. Clean my garage.
  11. Don't have a total meltdown and early/mid-life crisis when Big A turns 16 and starts driving by himself and goes to prom with his girlfriend.  This is, quite possibly, going to be the most difficult goal on my list.
Okay, I think that's ambitious enough for 1 year.  Feel free to share your goals for the new year!


  1. "a little bit of an over-achiever", ha! A little bit? :) Your list is way more ambitious than mine, but then I haven't posted either. ;) I would love to be present for #10 and #11!

    1. You can definitely be there for #11, but I don't know if I want you to see the "before" of #10... ;)
