
Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Why oh why does my brain hate me so??  How is it possible that I can chat with anybody, in a group of any size, but if I have to stand in front of 8 people and tell them about what I do, I freeze up, get the shakes, feel sick to my stomach, and come out sounding like a robot?  In fact, the rest of my day is ruined because it takes so long to calm down that I can barely function.  You would think the fact that I have done this twice per month for the past 6 months would make it easier - it doesn't!  My goodness, have I got problems!  Maybe I should change my blog name to 'Riding the Crazy Train' or 'Conducting the Crazy Train', because I am pretty sure I'm the crazy one, not the world full of people posting everything about themselves on the internet...  Anyway, I had to get that out of my system as I'm feeling particularly neurotic at the moment. *deep breath*

*another deep breath*

Okay, I know I said that I'm trying to be more positive this year, and that is truly the case, but I think I'm also going to stop worrying about not sounding positive all of the time.  I'm going to let you all in on my frustrations as well as the good things, crazy things, etc.  I'm convinced that too much positive cannot be good and it kind of goes against my nature (ask Ms. Attitude!)

Whew!  I'm glad I let that all out.  Now I can get on with the rest of my week.  Friday is only 2 days away...

1 comment:

  1. HAHA! "goes against my nature". Too true! It's okay to be honest.
